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PHASES- our Photography graduate's work in Washington Post

The spread of the virus does not stop the spread of creativity

In early April, BOOM Image Studio and Manfrotto issued an international call for professional and amateur photographers to see the global visual stories of the coronavirus pandemic. The Inner Outlook competition was launched with the aim of showing creativity that flourished during the crisis. More than 800 applications were received, from more than 25 countries, from the Americas through Europe to Asia and Africa.

Federico Mattia Dolci, CEO and co-founder of BOOM, said about the competition in a press release:

“It’s not just a project. It is a duty that transcends borders and boundaries, to celebrate our great love for photography. Today, thousands of photographers around the world are in the same situation, so we have asked them to join us in a wonderful message of hope and creativity. "

Nine jury members selected thirty winning images. Photographer Katalin Száraz was one of the first students to graduate from our Photography program many years ago, and now her work was included in the final selection of the competition. One of the jury members, Chloe Coleman, image editor at the Washington Post, also selected Kata’s work for her summary article presenting the competition.

“The picture is part of a series I’m working on right now since the epidemic began. I am spending this period in Paris, so I barely left the apartment in the last two and a half months due to the strict restrictions and the significantly stronger presence of the virus. In this series, I process the different phases and emotions I experience during this period. ” Kata said about her work.

“Since I have been in quarantine, I’ve been trying to follow the news from reliable sources, to be aware of what is happening around me. Though I consider it very important to be up to date, after a few weeks I have realized that I had enough: I began to read and listen less and less and preferred to escape to 'my little world,' whether it means my projects or nostalgia — anything unless facing the facts. Facing that I have no idea that in the current situation when will I be able to visit my family in Hungary, that in my country the democracy is turning into an autocracy in the situation of emergency, and that this virus will have unforeseen consequences on our lives. Just to mention some, which affect me. So in a nostalgic moment I decided to choose the best 'escapade' I can do at home: I have built myself a blanket fort. The irony of fate that when I set up my tripod to document my 'nook,' my boyfriend rushed into the living room to listen the new announcement of (French President Emmanuel) Macron about the extension of the confinement. It’s not possible to completely escape our reality.” April 2020, Paris, Katalin Száraz

The full series can be seen HERE, the artist is currently working on it and will add more images.

2020. 06. 15.


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