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Flórián Kund PhD


Beosztás, cím:

Főiskolai docens




Társadalomtudományok és Nemzetközi Tanulmányok Intézet

Tudományos minősítés

2014 - PhD - Communications and New Media (National University of Singapore)

Felsőfokú tanulmányok és végzettség:
  • PhD - Communications and New Media (National University of Singapore) (2014)
  • MA - Arab szak (2005)
  • BSc - Nemzetközi kapcsolatok szak (2004)
  • The Inner-Oriented Gaze of Nation Branding: Sharjah, the Cultural Emirate In: Karlovitz, János Tibor (szerk.) People and their values in the society Grosspetersdorf, Ausztria : Sozial und Wirtschafts Forschungsgruppe, (2019) pp. 43-60. , 18 p.
  • „Nation Branding in the Imagination Age: How to build image, identity, past and future in Singapore and Sharjah”. Doktori disszertáció. National University of Singapore, 2014.
  • „Az Arab-öböl országainak új múzeumai: a múlt vagy a jövő hullámain? - Keveredő tradicionális identitás és globális multikultúra”. Múzeumcafé: a múzeumok magazinja. 2013. (7. évf.) 34. sz. 18-27. old.
  • „Palestine: A Brand-state Solution. On national image, new media, social non-movements, and new modes of subjectivity”. International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR). Konferencia előadás. Isztambul, 2011. július 13-17.
  • „Branding and Building Palestine by Reality Media”. British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (BRISMES) Annual Conference 2011: The Middle East: Aspirations and Challenges. Konferencia előadás. Exeter, 2011. június. 27-29.
  • „Status Update: Sleepless in Palestine”. London Middle East Institute & School of Oriental and African Studies PhD Conference: State, Society and Economy in the Modern Middle East. Konferencia előadás. London, 2011. május 7-8.
Oktatott tárgyak:
  • Communication I., Media Regulation Theories, Social History, Social Studies Project, Regional Studies: The Middle East in the 21st Century, Trends in Tourism Product Development, Service Design, Attractions Management and Experience Design, Sustainable Planning and Development, Tourism Legislation and Institutions
Kutatási területek:
  • Cultural Communication, Nation Branding, Cultural Tourism, Postcolonial Studies, Middle East Studies, Islamic Studies
Díjak, elismerések:
  • Best Teaching Scholar Award - National University of Singapore (2009 és 2010)

Kund designs and studies cross-cultural encounters. As a travel and tourism professional he has 15 years of industry experience in planning and leading bespoke cultural tours in a dozen countries across the globe. As a social scientist he is most interested in critically exploring issues of cultural communication, identity formation and representation, especially in postcolonial contexts. Kund has a PhD (2014) in Communications from the National University of Singapore where was a recipient of a full-time research scholarship. Before his doctoral studies, he graduated in Arabic Studies, International Relations and Journalism. Kund lived, studied and worked in Southeast Asia and in the Middle East for almost a decade and as a seasoned traveller he visited more than 65 countries. He passionately believes that intercultural encounters are truly transformative and engaging different cultures through travel has the potential to change mindsets, stimulate personal growth and help community development.